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  • ilovepurple1972

Fellowship and Fun in Armaddy’s Glorious Sun!

By Liam Griffin

I’m pleased to let you all know that we raised  £546.89 (net)  for the Preservation Fund from the Clay Pigeon shoot on Saturday. Our thanks are due to Mr and Mrs Charles Struthers, Ardmaddy Castle who hosted and managed the event. We are grateful also for the organisational skills of Mr Charlie Boyd and his team.

Charles and Charlie both commented on the quality of the picnic. That picnic was the work of Karen Payne, Silver Laced Catering, Kilmore. Monsieur le Chef, John McMahon (of Hollow Mountain String Band fame.) saw to the griddle and grub. John shakes a griddle every bit  as good as he strums his guitar!

Seymour led his friends astray and press ganged them into attending the affair, leading to a  parting of the ways with their cash! Thank you all for your genorosity.

As well as prizes purchased from FroK petty cash, several folk donated gifts for the raffle.  Notably, thanks are due to Charles Struthers and also to Mario at Angler’s Corner, Oban. Anglers Corner donated a very fine Gun Slip, which was presented to “Best Young Gun,” and a mug and saucer  for the “tried hard but missed” contestant.

The ever smiling Lorne Fowler and his team won the annual Team Trophy.

So, thank you one and all. Keep your powder dry, and we’ll see you all again next year!

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